Even while the use of digital devices is associated to a significant number of cases of eye strain, other activities, such as driving and reading, can also induce eye strain. Eye strain isn’t the only ailment that might cause symptoms that are comparable to those of other eye disorders. 

According to our Sydney Eye Clinic specialist, eye strain caused by prolonged use of digital devices, such as computers and mobile phones, has become increasingly common in today’s society. We’ve all been there: massaging our eyes, wondering when the day would finally be done since they are itchy and watery.

Your optometrist will most likely want to do an eye test on you before providing you with the most appropriate guidance for your specific circumstances.

In this article, several of the consequences that might result from eye strain are discussed. One of these issues is headaches, which can result from eye strain. In addition to that, it discusses strategies for avoiding and addressing the problem, so that you can steer clear of unpleasant symptoms in the future.

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What exactly is an eye strain?

In its most basic form, eye strain occurs when your eyes get strained as a result of extended use or the performance of activities that demand a great deal of concentration. Having this ailment is not normally harmful, however it can become rather painful depending on the symptoms that you are experiencing.

Causes of Tired Eyes and Headaches

There are a number of distinct factors that might contribute to eyestrain. The usage of digital screens, such as those seen on computers, mobile phones, and tablets, is one of the most prevalent. This condition is known as “digital eye strain.”

Reading for extended periods of time; performing detailed tasks that require intense focus; driving for long periods of time; straining your vision in low light; working in harsh light or screen glare; having an uncorrected refractive error; being in close proximity to dry, moving air from things like a fan or the wind; being tired or fatigued

The following are common manifestations of eye strain: 

  • blurry vision; watery eyes; dry eye; itchy eyes; tired eyes; and itchy eyes.
  • Sensitivity to light (photophobia); 
  • Difficulty focusing; 
  • Pain in the neck and shoulders.

Sydney Eye Clinic: Relieving Headaches Caused by Eye Strain

In actuality, headaches are not a typical indication of eye strain; nonetheless, if you find that you are getting headaches when working on a computer, you should consider giving your eyes a break for a while. In an ideal scenario, you should lie down and close your eyes. There are occasions when the problem can be alleviated just by taking a break from the activity that was the source of the pain in the first place.

In the event that putting your eyes to rest is not sufficient to alleviate the headache, there are a few more things you may do, including the following:

  • Make sure that you are using the correct prescription eyeglasses. 
  • Consider using artificial tears to prevent dry eyes from exacerbating the discomfort caused by eye strain.
  • Place a cold compress on your closed eyelids.

If none of these things help relieve the headaches, it is crucial to contact an optometrist since something else might be causing your headache, such as acute-angle closure glaucoma or ocular ischemia syndrome, both of which are considered to be potentially life-threatening medical situations.

How to Avoid Stress on the Eyes

As is the case with the majority of issues relating to our health, prevention is the way to go. Therefore, in order to reduce the likelihood that you may experience this unpleasant situation, the following advice will be of use to you:

  • You should adjust the lighting so that you are not reading, using the internet, or watching television in a dimly lit room.
  • While reading or completing other activities that need a high level of concentration, be sure to take frequent rests.
  • Follow the rule of 20-20-20, which states that you should gaze 20 feet away from yourself every 20 minutes for 20 seconds.
  • If at all possible, reduce the amount of time you spend in front of digital screens.
  • Use lubricating eye drops to keep your eyes moist throughout the day. If you need eye drops for a prolonged period of time, try to choose ones that don’t include any preservatives.
  • Either at home or at the office, check to see if the air quality is satisfactory. For instance, you should make sure that it is humid and devoid of any impurities.
  • Ensure that you are using the right glasses. This requires you to wear glasses that have the appropriate prescription, and if you spend a lot of time in front of digital devices, blue light filters could also be helpful.

Reducing the Effects of Digital Eye Strain

The majority of the aforementioned pointers may also be used to the problem of eye strain caused by digital devices. Nevertheless, the following are several that are peculiar to computers and other screen devices:

  • Blink your eyes frequently; you’d be shocked how simple it is to forget to do this when you’re working.
  • Make sure you follow the 20-20-20 rule.
  • Ensure that there is adequate lighting and take steps to prevent glare on the screen.
  • Move the monitor so that it is about the length of your arm away from you and adjust it so that you have to look slightly downward.
  • To improve your comfort, adjust the settings for your screen, such as the font and the colour.

Additional Problems That Can Result from Eye Strain

Other than the discomfort felt in the here and now, there aren’t really any long-term consequences that come along with eye strain.

You may have heard that exposure to blue light might increase your risk of eye disorders such as retinal problems, cataracts, or age-related macular degeneration. This may be something you want to keep in mind. 

Nevertheless, there is no proof from scientific research to back up these statements. Your circadian rhythm can be thrown off if you get too much blue light from electronics like smartphones and tablets, which can make it difficult for you to get to sleep.

Screen time should be limited to no more than two to three hours before going to bed, and devices should be adjusted to display a nighttime mode if possible.

Discover More About the Different Treatment Options Used to Treat Eye Strain

If you feel that you are continually coping with these bothersome sensations, you are not alone in this experience. Simply give our office a call, and the helpful and knowledgeable team here at Optical Illusions will respond to any queries you may have. They can make an appointment for you to visit an optometrist, if necessary, in order to rule out the possibility that your eye discomfort is caused by underlying disorders.


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Consider the factors outlined in this blog post, weigh the pros and cons, and most importantly, consult with a Sydney cataract surgeon at Personal Eyes before making the final decision.

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